There are many great opportunities to get involved in the residential life of Ezra Stiles. Students who participate report an increased sense of connectedness and satisfaction from having a positive impact on their own experience as well as their peers. From student employment opportunities (students should watch their email or inquire at the Head of College Office early in the semester) to various clubs and committees, there are numerous ways and levels in which to become engaged in our community. And we are always open to new suggestions!
Stiles Knitting Circle (SKC!)
Established in 2018, the Stiles Knitting Circle grew out of one student’s desire to share their enthusiasm for, and all the benefits of, this wonderfully creative, social, stress-relieving and meditative past-time. Stilesians took to it in droves, knitting everything from headbands, hats and scarves to an afghan for Head of College Pitti! Supplies, basic instruction and lots of encouragement are provided. Typically SKC gathers on Sunday afternoons by the fireplace in the Common Room to share some tea, cookies and conversation while working on their projects. Beginners are always welcome! Please reach out to SKC ‘24-‘25 Chair, Kate Hall, if you would like to get involved! Watch your email and the Stiles Instagram for more information about upcoming meetings!
Black Studies Reading Group

Stiles Sustainability

Stiles Garden Council
The Stiles Garden Council is another example of a community-enhancing group that grew out of the interests and passion of our own students. The original Stiles Garden Council broke ground on an edible courtyard garden in Fall 2018. Students really enjoyed the chance to dig in the dirt, be outside and reap something wonderful from their efforts. The Garden Council has also helped host an annual bulb planting in the fall for all Stilesians to enjoy. The Garden Council is looking for new members for Fall 2024! Please contact the Stiles Garden Council chair, Kaya Basnet ES ‘27 if you’d like to get involved.
Family visiting during Yale’s Family Weekend in Oct. 2019 helped with the usual Saturday work party, and successfully harvested 7+ pounds of tomatoes and other fresh goodies!