Click Here for the Application
Crescent Theater:
1. Applications may be submitted by any undergraduate enrolled full-time in Yale College.
2. Applications from students/sponsoring student organizations outside of Ezra Stiles or Morse College must include a sponsor who is a current student in Ezra Stiles or Morse College. The applicant (and student sponsor if applicable) accepts full responsibility for the proposed event’s compliance with all of the policies and procedures for the Theater.
3. All live performance events require a security deposit of $200. (This does not apply to film screenings.) Checks should be made out to Yale University. The full cost of any repairs due to damage caused by or resulting from a production will be deducted from its deposit. Applicants AND Morse/Ezra Stiles student sponsors will be held responsible for any additional damages, and students will be bursar billed if checks bounce, or if the amount of damages exceeds $200.
4. Since the Theater is located in the basement of a residential space, Undergraduate Regulations regarding noise and other disturbances–including quiet hours–are in effect. Applicants are responsible for ensuring that the activity does not disrupt the sleep, study, or other activities of students living in nearby entryways, especially after 11 p.m. on weeknights or after 1 a.m. on weekends.
5. Users of the theater must meet prior to any rehearsals or performances with the designated student Theater Manager to review rules and regulations.
6. For major shows, approved production slots generally run from 9am Sunday to 1am the following Sunday, though shorter/longer residencies may be approved at the discretion of the Ezra Stiles and Morse Offices. Other kinds of events (e.g., screenings, concerts, comedy shows) may apply for single- or multiple-day residencies.
7. The Theater is intended for theater workshops or relatively small productions/events that do not require construction or installation of fixed sets. Fixed sets or sets requiring substantial construction are not permitted in the theater as determined by the Yale Fire Marshal’s Office and Undergraduate Production. As such, no painting and/or construction of set pieces will be allowed in the theater.
8. An inventory of lighting, sound, video equipment, and soft goods is available to those qualified and approved to use them by Undergraduate Production. Details regarding such use will be reviewed and approved by the UP’s Technical Advisor assigned to your production.
9. The theater, control booth, dressing and storage rooms must never be left open or unattended.
10. No permanent alterations or attachments to the theater’s facilities will be permitted. This includes painting and the use of fasteners (nails, screws, staples, etc.) on the walls and/or floor of the stage; weights may be used to secure temporary set pieces. Additionally, no tape, pushpins, nails, or fasteners of any type are allowed on the walls or floors of the auditorium, control booth, dressing rooms, storage area, or restrooms. Spike marks for dance or theater productions are permitted if made with colored spike tape (available for purchase at the Yale School of Drama and Undergraduate Production). All other kinds of tape are strictly prohibited.
11. All ladder work requiring access to the Theater grid (for the hanging of lights, soft goods, set pieces, etc.) MUST be supervised by Ezra Stiles or Morse College Theater Managers or by Undergraduate Production personnel.
12. Absolutely no smoking, candles, or open flame are allowed at any time. Exit signs may never be dimmed, turned off, covered, or altered in any way.
13. Fire and safety inspections are absolutely required for ALL EVENTS. Inspections are generally held on the Wednesday before weekend performances and will be coordinated through Undergraduate Production.
14. The Crescent Underground Theater has a flexible capacity up to a maximum of 130, dependent upon approved seating configuration, including fixed seats and handicap spaces. No standees are allowed. This capacity may not be exceeded. Failure to adhere to this restriction may result in interruption of your performance and/or event cancellation.
15. Applicants are responsible for ensuring that the Theater and all adjacent areas (including stairwells and entryways) are cleared following all rehearsals and performances. Failure to do so will result in charges to cover full cleaning costs.
16. Students agree to abide by all regulations as listed on the website of Undergraduate Production (, the Yale University Undergraduate Theater Guidelines, Yale College Undergraduate Regulations, and all Yale Fire Marshal directives determined during the review and inspection process. All Yale College Undergraduate Regulations apply; violations may be referred to the Yale College Executive Committee.
17. No food or drink (especially alcoholic beverages) is allowed in the Theater.
18. All outside (non-Yale) performers must provide an insurance certificate as outlined by the Office of Risk Management (
19. Queries related to the Crescent Underground Theater space should be directed first to the theater manager.